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27 th November 2022. A Continuing Medical Education (C.M.E.) Programme was organized over the topic ‘Cornea-360 Degree’ was organized at the auditorium of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. The programme began with lamp lighting jointly by Vice Principal, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dr. Punnet Ohri, HOD, Deptt. of Eye, Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dr. Tarannum Shakeel, Senior Eye specialist, Dr. Rajesh Tiwari, Secretary, Dehradun District Ophthalmological Society, Dr. Ashish Kakkar, Drishti Eye Institute, Dehradun’s Dr. Ruchika Patnaik, Nirmal Ashram Eye Institute’s Dr. Bandana Yein and Amritsar Eye Clinic’s Dr. Devesh Sharma. In the Welcome Address of the programme, Secretary, Dehradun District Ophthalmological Society (D.D.O.S.) and Associate Professor, Deptt. of Eye, Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Dr. Ashish Kakkar warmly welcomed all the guests and participants at the C.M.E.

He in his address to the gathering, explained the C.M.E. programme’s topic ‘Cornea-360 Degree’ in detail. He said that Eyes are the most precious organ of the human body without which one cannot see this beautiful world. He said that the objective of this C.M.E. programme
is to express ideas and share knowledge over the reasons, prevention and treatment of the diseases that affect cornea of the eye. He said that the vision of Dehradun District Ophthalmological Society is to organize such types of C.M.E. programmes, symposiums,
conferences, workshops, etc. in order to update the eye specialists with recent advancements, researches in the discipline of ophthalmology and to upgrade their knowledge.

This will be directly beneficial for the patients while being treated by Eye specialists. After this, Dr. Ruchika Patnaik of Drishti Eye Institute, Dehradun, Dr. Bandan Yein of Nirmal Ashram Eye Institute, Rishikesh and Dr. Devesh Sharma of Amritsar Eye Clinic expressed ideas and shared knowledge over the reasons, prevention and treatment of the diseases of cornea. These eminent Eye specialists who had come from highly reputed eye institutes answered the queries on various aspects of Cornea and its diseases raised by medical students which were in particular found to be very significant the medical students pursuing P.G. in Opthalmology. While addressing the gathering over the occasion, Organizing Chairperson and HOD, Deptt. of Eye, Professor (Dr.) Tarannum Shakeel said that specialists the world over are conducting modern researches on Cornea.

These results of these researches will reveal better understanding of the diseases that attack cornea, their prevention and treatment as well as ultra modern techniques to treat these diseases. She urged the eye specialists and medical students to keep themselves updated with the results of these modern researches. She appreciated the efforts of Dehradun District Ophthalmological Society (D.D.O.S.) in assisting the
eye specialists to combat these diseases and ending the sufferings of the eye patients. She also highly praised the significant achievements being made by D.D.O.S. under the tenure of its current president Dr. Smita Mehra. She also threw light over the achievements and various facilities available at the Eye Deptt. of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital.

She informed that facilities of all types of tests and treatment of eye diseases are available at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital under the supervision of the team of experienced and efficient Eye specialists. Highlighting the achievements of Deptt. of Eye of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, she said that since the foundation of the hospital, more than fifty thousand operations of cornea, retina and glaucoma have been conducted successfully. She also informed that the facility of Eye Donation is also available at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital. She said that the Deptt. of Eye of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital regularly organizes Eye Camps in far flung remote areas where healthcare facilities are minimum.

After this, the patients found needy of operations are brought to Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital where they are operated totally free of cost. She said that Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital and its Deptt. of Eye are always making utmost efforts to treat the poor patients and thus serve the humanity. She said the Chairman of Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital, Shri Mahant Devendra Das Ji Maharaj is the motivation and due to his divine blessings the hospital and its Eye deptt. are continuously achieving new milestones of achievements.

More than 100 medical students and eye specialists participated in the C.M.E. programme. Eminent and Senior Eye Surgeons of Dehradun, Dr. Gaurav Luthra, Dr. Vinod Arora, Dr. Rajesh Tiwari, Dr. Muninder Rawat and Dr. Saurabh Luthra also imparted knowledge to the participants of the C.M.E. programme. The C.M.E. programme was also attended by HOD, Deptt. of Biochemistry, Dr. Tariq Masood, Associate Professor, Deptt. of Biochemistry, Dr. Rana Usmani of Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences. Significant roles were also played by Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital’s Eye Deptt.’s Associate Professor (Dr.) Vatsala Vats, Associate Professor (Dr.) Priyanka Gupta and Assistant Professdor (Dr.) Monika Jain.