CII stands shoulder to shoulder with State Governments to battle the pandemic : Mr T V Narendran, President, CII

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CII stands shoulder to shoulder with State Governments to battle the pandemic : Mr T V Narendran, President, CII

The recent unprecedented spike in COVID-19 cases globally has once again created uncertainties and challenges. After almost two years of combating the health emergency, it is critical to ensure that economic recovery remains on track to enable people to recover to pre-pandemic income levels.

CII had drafted a paper on ‘Approach for Economic Activities during COVID-19 and a Safer Future’ after wide-ranging consultations, which has now been updated in the light of the Omicron variant. The paper stresses on ensuring continuity in economic activities, while taking utmost precautionary measures to avoid mass congregations of people and social activities.

Mr T V Narendran, President, CII in a letter to Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand had suggested a containment strategy based on micro zones, as small areas demarcated by district administrations, such as mohallas, neighbourhoods, villages, talukas, etc. to monitor and manage the outbreak. By exhorting Chief Ministers to focus on local containment, economic activities will remain protected and jobs will be preserved. CII will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with State Governments to battle the pandemic, build healthcare infrastructure and ensure vaccination.” 

Mr Abhimanyu Munjal, CII Chairman Northern Region said that it is imperative that local containment measures be taken to tackle the third wave, while ensuring a smooth flow of economic activities within States. CII with the support of the State government, will ensure that economic and industrial activity remains under a strict supervision to ensure the safety of our workforce. With the spread of the Omicron variant, the testing must be amped up to accommodate the population and to take timely precautions, especially for the upcoming elections in some States.

To minimize the damage, an innovative approach is needed in these trying times. Political rallies can be made virtual, mass gatherings be curbed, sanitisation be ensured at each polling booth, etc. I’m sure that we, as a nation, will be able to rise up to the occasion and emerge victorious. With these key recommendations, CII seeks to enable businesses to function within the parameters of the pandemic, so that disruptions to livelihoods are minimized.