FRI has developed a steam explosion based technology by which fiber can be extracted within two hours

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Dehradun:23 March 2022: Uttarakhand is rich in biodiversity of multipurpose tree species and Bhimal (Grewia optiva) is one them. This tree species is known for production of fodder and fiber and related with livelihood of local people. People extract fiber from branches of the tree through traditional methods which take more than one month. Keeping this in view, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun has developed a steam explosion based technology by which the fiber can be extracted within two hours.

This method is eco friendly as no chemical is used during fiber extraction. A live demonstration of fibre extraction machine was carried out in Kandi village of Uttarakhand through training on “An Advance Technology of Extraction of Bhimal fiber through eco-friendly method” conducted under the extension activities of Van Vigyan Kendra in Uttarakhand.

During the training Dr. Charan Singh Sr. Scientist of F.R.I. Dehra Dun delivered lecture on Bhimal based agro forestry and spoke about the fodder and fibre value of the Bhimal. Dr. Devendra Kumar, Sr. Scientist of the Institute also expressed his views on fibre extraction and also showed the working the fibre extraction machine during demonstration. Mr. Anil Chandola, President, Bhartiya Gramothan Sansthan, Rishikesh delivered a lecture on value addition of Bhimal fiber and told that the Sansthan is purchasing fibre from local people and making eco friendly items, like mats, ropes, bags, wall mountings, chappals and many other items.

In training cum demonstration programme, above 60 people from Kandi and nearby area including frontline staff of Uttarakhand Forest Department and Village Pradhan participated and learned about extraction of fiber using machine. The training cum demo was organized by the Extension Division team including Dr. Charan Singh, Dr. Devendra Kumar, Shri Preet Pal Singh and Shri Manish Kumar who dida commendable in making the programme successful.