Tibetian community staged out protest march

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Dehradun: Tibet Community people living in Doon on Friday staged out protest march and poster campgain. This protest march was held against 2022 olympic games recently to be held in Beijing China. Leading this protest Presiedent of R Dickeyling said that this protest was started from Gandhi Park and was ended at Pacific Mall situated near Rajpur Road. He also shared that this campgain was organized Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Tibetan. other organization a who participated in this event were various chapters of Tibetan Women’s Association . He also said Reginal Tibetan Youth Congress is one of the largest chapters of Tibetan youth congress leading exile Tibetan NGO seeking Tibets independence from China Further criticizing un human and cruel  activities of China he said that the Olympic game is a game of glory and an opportunity for sportsmen and women to share the spirit of love and friendship and promote peaceful solutions to the conflicting issues around the world in a fair and friendly manner. But this time it is hosted in Beijing, China a country that has a record for their Human Rights Violations and for committing genocide of Tibetans, Uyghurs and others who are colonized and controlled under an oppressive and repressive system.

He further added that It is hosted by regime that continues to commit gross Human Rights violations in Tibet and continues to demolish and destroy the monastic institutions down to ashes.  Recently, before a month countdown to the Beijing winter Olympics, the Chinese government forcefully demolished a 99 foot Buddha statue and burned down 45 prayer wheels amid a wave of ongoing demolitions in Drago and other parts of Tibet . And the CCP continues to detain and imprison Tibetans for expressing their disapproval of hard line policies and inhuman treatment. The situation in Tibet has sharply deteriorated since the Beijing Olympics 2008 and an alarming number of Tibetans continue to die in custody under Chinese authorities and many have burned themselves in protest against China. The brutal policies of the Chinese government are increasingly being recognized by the diplomatic boycotts from countries including the US and others. The 2022 Bejing Winter Olympics run serious risk of legitimizing these abuses. Despite the increasing abuses against Tibetans, Uyghurs, Honkongers, Taiwanese and Inner Mongolians, China has faced no challenge from IOC.

 Therefore , we urge the international community and the world leaders to condemn the IOCs complicity in sports washing crime against humanity and to make China accountable for not only posing a threat to the survival of Tibetan culture and identity but also for posing a strategic and security threat to free nations of the world. We believe Olympians are people of conscience who are committed to the Olympic Charter and its Fundamental Principles of Olympism that include a focus on the harmonious development of humankind Promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity and rights and freedoms for all secured without discrimination of any kind. Therefore we urge and appealed to participating athletes to show their support and solidarity to our fight for the just cause by returning the blood stained Medal that has cost countless lives, a medal made up of the minerals extracted by exploiting the rich natural resources of the Tibetan plateau and medal known for the history of oppressions. We therefore call to condemn the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics, the Genocide Games and make China Accountable for the appalling rights abuses and crackdowns on dissent.